

Prop3D is a protein structure toolkit designed for machine learning, enabling the generation and utilization of datasets that integrate 3D atomic coordinates with biophysical and evolutionary properties. Due to the massive increase in the number of available protein structures, massively-parallel reproducible workflows to create datasets that run in the cloud are needed. Prop3D is not just a dataset or workflow, it is both; it’s a way to reproduce our datatsets or build your own with your own custom proteins.

To use Prop3D, you can:

  1. Use our precomputed datasets to train an ML model;

  2. Build your own datasets; and

  3. Use your new datasets to train an ML model.

Currently, we provide one precalculated dataset:

  1. Prop3D-20 (20 highly populated superfamilies)

In the future, we will provide the entire CATH database, entire PDB, and AlphaFold-CATH – CATH mappings for all domains in AlphaFold2.

If you want to generate your own datasets, please follow the installation steps for using the Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS)


Building Prop3D Datasets

First, we created AtomicToil [based on Toil] to create a massively-parallel workflow following the CATH hierarchy or any sets of proteins to clean each protein and calcuate its biophyscal properties. We also create reproducible training set splits using either the CATH S35 clusters, PDB clusters based on mmseqs, or a calculate new clusters using foldseek.

Next, we built Meadowlark to process individual protein structures for use ML. Specifically, we “clean” each structure by adding missing atoms or residues (SCWRL, MODELLER) and add hydrogens and perform a simple energy-minimization, or ‘debump’ (Pdb2Pqr). We then calculate biophysical properties for the cleaned structures. All of the cleaned structures and biophysical properties are added into HDF file on an HSDS endpoint create and share the dataset.

HSDS was chosen due to its ability to share an extremely large dataset without making the user download the entire file at once and due to it’s speed while training ML models.

Using Prop3D Datasets to train ML models

Finally, once you have a dataset (or just want to use our precomputed datatsets), we provide PyTorch DataLoaders to read in the specified HSDS HDF datasets from a specified ‘training’, ‘validation’, or ‘test’ split. The DataLoaders returns each protein with specified features used for training, such as:

  1. A sequence (input) and biophysical properties (output) for use in a language model (See ESM example)

  2. 3D coordinates and biophysical properties for use in custom tools that require just atomic coordinates, e.g. many graph-based models (see MPNN example)

  3. A sparse voxelized input with biophysical properties for use in 3D applications, such as 3DCNNS (see MinkowskiEngine example)

To learn how the CATH dataset is organized, please see the CATH Dataset Organization

Prop3D is not meant replace (better) tools such as Biotite or BioPython, but used in combination to create ML-ready, shareable datasets.

API Reference